Apr 22, 2024

What is Nostr?

Nostr itself isn't an app or website, but a protocol

Think of it as a set of rules that allows different apps to communicate with each other in a decentralized way. It's designed for social networking and focuses on privacy and censorship resistance.

Nostter.app is a website that uses the Nostr protocol. From this website you can create a Nostr identity, post messages, and follow others.  Since Nostr is decentralized, there are  many other Nostr-based apps available.

Like Primal.net another website using the same protocol (using the same secret key), 

What is a protocol? Imagine email. Email itself is a protocol, just like Nostr. 

Different email providers like Gmail or Yahoo Mail are like the Nostter.app -  they use the email protocol to offer their email services. 

Apr 18, 2024

ArtBreeder openpose

There are tools available that will make it possible to use a simple picture as an avatar

And put that person into a situation (following a specific pose) like these:


Simply by using Artbreeder poser feature


and https://openposes.com/

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