Apr 22, 2024

What is Nostr?

Nostr itself isn't an app or website, but a protocol

Think of it as a set of rules that allows different apps to communicate with each other in a decentralized way. It's designed for social networking and focuses on privacy and censorship resistance.

Nostter.app is a website that uses the Nostr protocol. From this website you can create a Nostr identity, post messages, and follow others.  Since Nostr is decentralized, there are  many other Nostr-based apps available.

Like Primal.net another website using the same protocol (using the same secret key), 

What is a protocol? Imagine email. Email itself is a protocol, just like Nostr. 

Different email providers like Gmail or Yahoo Mail are like the Nostter.app -  they use the email protocol to offer their email services. 

Apr 18, 2024

ArtBreeder openpose

There are tools available that will make it possible to use a simple picture as an avatar

And put that person into a situation (following a specific pose) like these:


Simply by using Artbreeder poser feature


and https://openposes.com/

Apr 17, 2024

GTA Style

 GTA = Grand Theft Auto (originating from a series of video games by Rockstar Games)

Apr 15, 2024

Manga Maker App

A pretty impressive little application, to render a photo into a Manga, I discovered it from this blog 


Please pay a visit to the blog, and try the app.

((Manga illustration)), ((Pamela Anderson)) torso shot portrait ,solo , medium short hair,  looking at viewer, blush , smile , happy , red lipstick, leather corset, portrait, red hair, focus on eyes, plain background, (in vector style), ((monochrome Manga drawing))


Apr 11, 2024

Game over for Happy Accidents

Happy Accidents is shutting down on May 9th 2024

Happy Accidents offered unique features such as image generation and support for various checkpoints and Loras. While I can't speak to the specific reasons behind the shutdown without more information, fierce competition and a lack of traction are common challenges faced by startups and niche platforms in the tech industry.

In a rapidly evolving landscape, particularly in the field of image generation and AI-driven creativity, staying ahead of the competition and gaining sufficient traction can be difficult.

While it is still on, please pay a visit to https://happyaccidents.ai/

Apr 10, 2024

Artificial Intelligence is still not there yet

It has been over a year, but AI is still not fully satisfying ... Mainly it is the lack of continuity between sessions with AI personal assistants which is the major flow. 

There are ways around this issue, tough:

1. AI assistants can be designed to store user preferences, history, and other relevant information in 'persistent user profiles'. This allows them to provide more personalized and consistent assistance across sessions. But these will help in keeping the tone of the conversation, it won't remember if you added a birthday date, or any past plans.

2. Advancements in natural language processing enable AI assistants to better understand and remember context from previous interactions. By leveraging context, AI can provide more relevant responses and anticipate user needs over time. But these 'Contextual Understanding' are still in the making.

3.  AI assistants may integrate with external services such as calendars, task managers, and note-taking apps to access and update relevant information across sessions. This enables them to provide continuity in tasks and reminders. And that is also in the making and there are challenges there as well, namely distributing confidential information across multiple platforms.

4. AI assistants can utilize machine learning algorithms to continuously improve their understanding of user preferences and behavior over time. By learning from past interactions, they can adapt and provide more personalized assistance in subsequent sessions. That might be the solution in the long term, building a database tailored for each users.

5. Researchers are also exploring techniques to imbue AI systems with long-term memory capabilities, enabling them to retain and recall information over extended periods. This could significantly enhance the continuity and intelligence of AI personal assistants.

By implementing these strategies and technologies, developers can address the challenge of continuity in AI personal assistants and provide users with a more seamless and personalized experience across sessions. And we are not even talking about 'singularity', that is still Science-Fiction territory.

Apr 8, 2024

Microblogging and ping-o-matic

Ensuring that search engines discover your latest blog entry involves a few steps:

1. Submit Your Sitemap: Create an XML sitemap of your blog, listing all the URLs, and submit it to Google Search Console and Bing Webmaster Tools. This helps search engines understand your site structure and crawl it efficiently.

2. Internal Linking: Link to your new blog post from other relevant pages on your site. This helps search engine crawlers find the new content while they navigate through your site.

3. Social Media Sharing: Share your new blog post on social media platforms (facebook, instagram, tumblr, pinterest, whatsapp, etc ...). While this doesn't directly influence search engine crawls, it can attract users to your site, increasing the likelihood of search engine discovery.

4. Ping Services: Some services, like Ping-O-Matic, can notify search engines and blog directories about your new content. This can prompt them to crawl your site sooner.

5. Quality Content and SEO: Ensure your blog posts are well-optimized for search engines with relevant keywords, descriptive meta tags, and proper headings. High-quality content tends to get indexed and ranked faster.

However, keep in mind that search engines have their algorithms for crawling and indexing content, so there's no guaranteed way to enforce their crawl. It may take some time for them to discover and index your new content naturally.

Ping-O-Matic is a service that notifies multiple search engines and blog directories about updates to your website. It's been a popular tool among bloggers for many years. However, it appears that their blog hasn't been updated since 2015, which may raise concerns.

Apr 1, 2024

Bluewillow acquired by Limewire

LimeWire has acquired BlueWillow (leading image generation model and the world's 2nd largest Discord community with over 2 million users).

https://www.bluewillow.ai/ is redirecting to https://limewire.com/studio/image/create-image


Cover, painting of a girl with long blue hair in a white t-shirt on one side of a tattooed cyberpunk space with details, luminism, strip lighting, complex, head and shoulders portrait, 4k concept art portrait by Greg Rutkowski, artgram, WLOP, Alphonse Mucha

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