May 13, 2008

MUTO by Blu

completely mind blowing - but think about the painting ... making Flash anim is more environment friendly !

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MUTO a wall-painted animation by BLU from blu on Vimeo.

Blu is a graffiti/street artist from Buenos Aires. His stuff is amazing. He recently finished a film combining two of my favorite things: graffiti and animation, titled "MUTO." I'm blown away by it. Unbelievable.

On his Youtube, he's posted some other animated experiments, if you're curious. He has a blog, too.

(Thanks, Trevor!)

May 7, 2008

Stratagus Wesnoth Edition (SWE)

With all those beautifuls, witty, cute units in Battle of Wesnoth, i wish someday a Stratagus total conversion could exist ...

the menu.png can be added in the ressources of the stratagus game

Now there would be more work to do adapting units, background, icons etc ...

Konrad (adaptation)

DL svg [1]

May 6, 2008


The Wesnoth community is very talented, and i was impressed by some many of the contributions i found on their website ( - also found nice tutorials and advices.

Here's my humble adaptation of a full size Konrad

DL svg [1]

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