via Linux for Designers by Eckhard M. Jäger on 9/24/08
Besides Phatch the mass file renamer pyRenamer is one of my favorite batch tools. Version 0.6 brings besides many bugfixes a lot of new features:
→ You can save your favorite patterns to reuse them
→ Undo/redo feature
→ Now you can rename more music formats (ogg, real... those supported by hachoir)
→ You can keep file extensions untouched while renaming
→ Now you can rename directories
→ Allow renaming files and moving them to another directory
→ Added some icons to identify file types
→ Added random number pattern {rand}
→ Added refresh option, to reload files and directories
→ Added autopreview option
→ Add option to fix duplicated symbols on filename
→ Add option to ignore next errors while renaming
→ Better explanations on error dialogs
→ New icon
A Deb archive fur Ubuntu is available for download too.