I'm sure you know the old saying " if it ain't broke, don't fix it ! (or in my case don't update it)" and it happened again this week - I broke vlc - it used to work just fine until this last update (picture above).
Vlc to read flv, or mp4 or non free format depends on 2 libraries libavcodec and libavformat - they were working in version 0.svn20080206-15 but ... latest version is broken ... it was in fact documented on the debian-multimedia.org repository - too bad, I didn't read it ...
A fix is posted as well on the debian-multimedia.org but I can't figure this out
18/06/2008 :
Broken ffmpeg libraries :
Since Debian use the same soname packages name than my packages, official packages (vlc, totem, etc...) linked against libavc* doesn't work with my libavc* packages.
If you want to use vlc and friends you need to downgrade libavc* packages to the official packages.
Beware : downgrading to these packages will remove all debian-multimedia packages who depends on libavc*
To downgrade do the following :
dpkg -l | grep 3:2008
for each package echoed do :
apt-get install --reinstall
0.svn20080206-8 is the unstable version and 0.cvs20070307-6 for testing (check with apt-cache for the current version).
Mmmh, it has been broken since June 2008 ?!
sudo dpkg -l | grep 3:2008
libavcodec51 3:20080706-0.3 lib to enc/dec multimedia streams - runtime files
libavformat52 3:20080706-0.3 ffmpeg file format library
libavutil49 3:20080706-0.3 avutil shared libraries
libpostproc51 3:20080706-0.3 postproc shared libraries
Mmmh, okay ?!
in sources.list > deb http://www.debian-multimedia.org/ etch main
in synaptic > set prefer version from "oldstable"
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install --reinstall libavcodec51=0.svn20080206-8
sudo apt-get install --reinstall libavformat52=0.svn20080206-8
sudo apt-get install --reinstall libavutil49=0.svn20080206-8
sudo apt-get install --reinstall libpostproc51=0.svn20080206-8
Mmmh - should work ?!
sudo apt-get install --reinstall libavcodec51=0.svn20080206-8
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
E: Version '0.svn20080206-8' for 'libavcodec51' was not found
Naaaaah, also tried with =0.svn20080206-15 just in case ... same