Sep 3, 2020

How to use COBE with Python 3.8

After installing Cobe - see previous post entry

here is an example of what you can do:

$ python3
Python 3.8.3 (tags/v3.8.3:6f8c832, May 13 2020, 22:20:19) [MSC v.1925 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import cobe.brain
>>> cobe.brain.Brain.init('test.brain')
>>> test=cobe.brain.Brain('test.brain')
>>> test.learn('this is a test!')
>>> print(test.reply('what is this?'))
this is a test!

basically talking with an AI 

...and training this AI while discussing

pretty cool

Sep 2, 2020

Installing Markov COBE on Windows 10

Cobe is a nifty python module Markov chain based text generation library and MegaHAL style chatbot 

the Linux installation is a breeze (easy as pie)

but on Windows 10 it is a bit tricky

Assuming you are using MINGW32 as environment for your python development - here is what needs to be done:

> git clone
> winpty python install
> pip install cython
> winpty python -m pip install --upgrade pip
> python -m pip install -U pip setuptools 

from this point all the items needed are installed 

Next step requires the installation of VisualStudio (vs2019 modules)
Once the installer is downloaded use the 2 first options

And after this is done 

go to your cobe installation directory and finalize the install

> winpty python install




Jun 4, 2020

Windows 10 S mode - switching out

When purchasing a cheap laptop running Windows 10 S Mode - you are restricted to install apps from the Microsoft Store - which could be a severe limitation

The S mode has benefits - all apps are approved, and this theoretically will prevent virus or malware to be installed on the laptop

but if the application you want to install is not in the MS Store - then you are stuck with this message:
The way to solve this restriction is to switch out

This switching out operation is irreversible  - and requires a Microsoft store account
once the switch is done, it feels like a liberation though...
How is it done - well, just follow this link instruction:

Minimal Python and git installation for Windows 10 Home edition

The purpose here is to get a super light python development platform

Fits for lightweight PC running Windows 10 Home - with less than 4GB of Ram

Jan 3, 2020

Migrating data from Google Chrome Linux to Windows

Following the scenario of moving Linux user to a Windows 10 user
Here is what to do:

On the Linux machine:

Go to the user's path ~/.config/chromium/ and zip all folders inside
copy that zip file to the windows machine

On the windows machine:

Unpack the zip content inside the Windows user's path
usually C:\Users\~\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\
This will restore the Chrome bookmarks, cache, settings except for the passwords that are stored via the Google account.
Next step is to log in the Google Chrome and enter Google account credentials

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