Mar 28, 2010

Doom music (still) rocks

Back in 1993 appeared as a shareware what would become later a legend in the gaming industry as THE "first person shooter" - (even if there was a predecessor "Wolfenstein 3D") - Doom was the one that change the games genre forever...

More than the high end graphics, more than the exploding barrels, there was an amazing music that added to the gaming experience a total immersion in the "Doom" nightmarish world...

Here's a list of website were you can listen to remix of this legendary tunes :
Doomworld -- Music
Paul's Stuff - DOOM Music
The Doom Remix Project - the Dark Side of Phobos  (mp3 download)

NB : You can even listen to them directly from their webpage, using this "mp3 player bookmarklet" from called playtagger.
Check this website for instruction on how to implement it.

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