I found this nice article in another blog
that got me interested in card tricks
And I found this little magic trick that is pretty fun to do, and requires a little preparation
Here is how it is done:
With a deck in card, select one red card, and one black card
put them in front of the audience, and point the red card then pick from the pile 2 cards
and ask the audience to 'guess' which one is red
once the audience has selected one card, show it to the audience and then proceed with the next 2 cards in the pile.
And once 4 cards have been added to each red of black revealed card
then return the entire stack of cards, and it surprise the audience as they will discover that all cards on the left are red, and on the right are black
See the demonstration here https://youtu.be/d7g4jQ3_Uu4
How is the trick done?
There is a preparation that needs to be done just before
you select a red card, and a black one
then another red and black card
from there you have to setup pair of red, and pair of black cards
the first red and black are going to be displayed first on the table
then you take the next couple of cards, and ask the audience to guess
once the guess is done, you can show the cards, and put them on the correct pile
if the guess was correct (50% chance) cheers and tell the audience they are good at guessing,
and if they are wrong, it does not matter, and tell them this was a free guess, and they will get better in the next guesses (hopefully)
then you proceed with the red pile (take 2 cards) what the audience does not know is that since the deck of card has been prepared by pairs and the 2 cards are actually both red, you are asking the audience to guess, but there is no wrong choice, the trick only work because the audience assume, that like the 'free guess' run there is a red and black card...
then you proceed with the black column, take another 2 cards (which are 2 blacks) and guess
then again red, until 4 passes are done
that's pretty easy and will work great
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