Oct 9, 2023

Hottest models for AI generated images

As of October 2023, among the hottest Stable Diffusion checkpoint model the most popular and well-regarded models include:

  • DreamShaper is a highly versatile model that can generate a wide range of styles, from realistic to fantastical. It is known for its creativity and its ability to generate images that are both visually appealing and meaningful.
  • Deliberate is a model that is focused on generating realistic images. It is known for its attention to detail and its ability to produce images that are indistinguishable from photographs.
  • Realistic Vision is another model that is focused on generating realistic images. It is known for its ability to capture the nuances of human faces and bodies.
  • ChilloutMix is a model that is known for its ability to generate beautiful and atmospheric images. It is often used to create illustrations and concept art.
  • Protogen is a model that is known for its ability to generate anime-style images. It is often used to create fan art and original characters.

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