Sep 28, 2010

Drawing Tutorial by Jolly Jack

The video above is the part2 out of 3 - I've seen Drawing tutorials many of them - some are just plain "speed painting" with no explanations whatsoever - but I recommend these 3 videos by Jolly Jack because he gives a lot of good information and advices during the process - very helpful.

I'll try to highlight a few interesting points :
  1.  Before starting you should already have a rough idea of what you want to draw
  2. When drawing start with the head - set where the character is looking and build the body according to that pose.
  3. Concentrate on the figure's flow, make the pose looks right
  4. Use a very thin brush (1) for the rough sketch
  5. keep the layer 0 for the white background an use layer 1 for the sketch
  6. After the basic outline is done on layer 1, get a larger brush and add details starting with the eyes
  7. You should work at least in 300dpi
  8. When the rough is done on layer1, it's time to add a new layer for the final line-work
  9. add 2 layers (one will be used as a buffer and made invisible)
  10. set the layer1 with the rough to 15% opacity and retrace it on layer 3 (line-work)
  11. use a slightly larger brush (3.1) for the finished lines
  12. After the line-work is done, duplicate the layer and merge them - to add contrast
  13. Now it's color time, add a new layer (4)
  14. If possible have a palette for each characters you have - otherwise load a previous artwork
  15. Layer 4 is used for the flat colors, use the lasso tool on layer 3 then return to layer 4 and fill the selection
  16. After the flat color is done add a new layer (5) for shadow, using black with 40% opacity
  17. Then add the light (new layer (6)) with white and 10% opacity
Interesting to notice that the whole process (starting from scratch with a blank document) to the final artwork seems to have taken only about 1 hour - Impressive!

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