Mar 11, 2021

Hotforword: latest update


In a nutshell:

More revelations in this video - the good, the bad and the ugly
From there, readers will be able to more or less see what happened
all videos from her channel ceased 6 years ago (2015) 
she may have gotten married around that time
during the pandemic 2020 - something bad happened (separation, divorce?)
Then some strange, weird controversial videos were posted (and later removed)
Now in 2021, Marina is back on Instagram and OnlyFan (her new favorite platform)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It really breaks my heart to see this stuff. As a counselor I see how broken and rejected these guys are. I also see women gladly taking advantage of these men and giving up their own integrity for money. They have probably gone through some rough things themselves to think this is an acceptable way to live or treat people. The worst part is they both think what they are doing is good. "You praise me for stealing your money and you won't feel lonely". Really it's broken people making things worse for themselves. I wish more people knew how this stuff worked.

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